Much is said about depression; however, it is an issue that although it seems to be the domain of everyone, the reality is different. Depres...
Depression or sadness?
They are 2 very different things.
Sadness is a mood in which we express grief over a loss or lack of something. When we are sad we usually feel discouraged, pessimistic and sometimes we cry to alleviate that feeling that generates so much pain. Despite the symptoms similar to that of depression, the main difference is that it is temporary.There are 2 types of depression
When sadness over that lack or unfortunate event becomes chronic, it can trigger exogenous (reactive) depression. This is caused by external events, such as the death of a loved one, ruin, loss of work, among others. If the person cannot overcome it adequately, it is advisable to seek professional help.There is also an endogenous depression; that is, caused by biological predisposition, where the neurotransmitters that control emotions and decrease stress are not properly regulated by the brain. Thus, the body and mental state are altered by physical and emotional conditions.
7 silent symptoms of depression
The symptoms of clinical depression can be varied. These symptoms in question are the ones that go unnoticed the most and to which you should pay attention to give immediate help.They fake emotions
People with depression do not want to admit that they are sick; For this reason, they often pretend to feel good and to be in control of their lives.They lie to avoid having to deal with recrimination and to prevent them from becoming overly involved in an issue that is painful for them.
Withdrawal from daily activities
When a person chooses to move away from their work or their studies you should be vigilant, as it is a sign of depression. It happens that the disease consumes all the energy and reduces the person's interest in these activities. This does not happen overnight, but gradually in the hope that no one will notice your absence.The pain and suffering become so great that it becomes difficult for the person to deal with their emotions; therefore, he moves away from what previously interested him
Work addiction
Just as he can become inactive, the depressed person may resort to overwork to cover up his illness. The work on this occasion becomes a kind of "lifeline" that distracts them from their pain.Reluctance
Accompanied in turn by pessimism and hopelessness, reluctance is common because the affected person does not feel like doing anything.To this accumulation of "fatigue", we add that he does not sleep as he should, that thoughts of anguish and anxiety haunt him, and the body weighs on him because it is more than natural that the person does not feel or have the desire to get out of bed. This slowly causes the person to withdraw from their friends and family since they really do not feel the strength at all.
Feeding problems
Some depressed people overeat, others, on the contrary, may stop eating. Thus, while the former gain uncontrollably because they take refuge in food to deal with pain, others "punish" their body by subjecting it to the lack of food.Therefore, if you notice that an acquaintance or loved one gain or loses a lot of weight in a certain period of time, among other symptoms, you may be suffering from depression.
Change in sleeping habits
Some health professionals say that there is a strong link between insomnia and depression. For them, a person with sleep problems is more likely to suffer from depression than one with good sleep hygiene.
Substance abuse
In order to deal with the pain and suffering that depression refers to, it can happen that the person "takes refuge" in the consumption of substances, as it is about hallucinogens and psychoactive substances such as alcoholic beverages.
These substances give you the delusion of control, as well as help you escape your conflicting emotions and your reality.
Although these symptoms may be evident in a person who is diagnosed with depression, the reality is that many of them can even go unnoticed by the people with whom the affected person relates. It is then when more should be attentive and help if it is necessary to prevent the patient from committing suicide.
In addition, it is very important to bear in mind that these 7 symptoms must be complemented with many more that involve depression and that this should only be diagnosed by an expert who can offer the help that the affected person needs.
According to the United States National Library of Medicine, depending on the age of the person involved, the general symptoms can be:
-Irritable or low mood most of the time
-Excessive sleep
-Feelings of worthlessness, hatred for his person, and guilt
-Memory and concentration problems
-Slow or fast movements
-Inactivity and withdrawal from usual activities
-Feelings of hopelessness and abandonment
-Repetitive thoughts of death or suicide
-Loss of pleasure in activities that usually make you happy, including sexual activity
How can you be of help?
Although the sick person does not want any kind of help, the reality is that they need it. If you can offer it, what you can do is talk to your closest relative to talk, and between the two of you seek the help you need to be treated by a professional in psychiatry.Do not throw yourself into judgment or pressure, or you will only increase the state of stress and anxiety to which you are already subjected by the disease.
Helping someone depressed is not easy, but I assure you that the person after coming out of their crisis will see things differently and will be very grateful for your timely intervention.