Surely you have heard that to eliminate bad habits it is only a matter of making the decision and being convinced of wanting to have a good ...
Surely you have heard that to eliminate bad habits it is only a matter of making the decision and being convinced of wanting to have a good lifestyle, in order to improve health. It sounds simple to do, but it is not, since it is about doing internal work because bad habits are sometimes ingrained because they are actions that we frequently repeat automatically.
Not only is it enough to make a decision, but relevant actions are repeatedly carried out to transform or extinguish bad habits; that is, think, and do new routines. To do this, there are many theories regarding the days that actions must be repeated to make the brain change a behavior; there is the famous 21-day theory created by Maxwell Maltz.
Some years researchers different from that theory, but what is certain is that actions must be repeated for a time considered to be achieved change a habit. Taking into account that habits are changed by taking small steps and that the results will not occur immediately, but that at the end of the road there will be a reward.
What habits do you do that harm your health?
You know perfectly well that some bad habits are damaging your health because they are noticeable changes that are immediately reflected in the body. Perhaps you have gained weight, you feel stressed, worried, or sad; so your mood is also broken by having bad habits.
Now, we are going to know the habits that commonly damage our physical and emotional state, to become aware and once and for all eliminate them.
1 Skip breakfast
A common mistake most people make is not considering the first food, such as breakfast, important. This provides all the necessary energy that the body needs for proper functioning. By skipping breakfast you will be causing your body to have serious problems such as obesity, cholesterol, diabetes, or a heart attack according to specialists.
You will even lose the ability to concentrate and intellectual performance, you will have a bad mood and you will feel tired. For this reason, breakfast is recommended as the first habit to take into account. And if your goal is to lose weight, then eat healthy foods like fruit.
2 Eating fast or junk food
Most fast food is high in saturated fat, cholesterol, sugar, and high in calories, which contributes to serious health problems such as obesity, diabetes, hypertension, fatigue, and depression. It is even confirmed that these foods cause addition due to their components. Eating junk foods between meals to calm hunger or cravings is not recommended at all.
To change this bad habit of eating between meals, choose to put healthy snacks in your mouth such as fruits, nuts, almonds, raisins, blueberries, among others. Also, keep in mind that you need to take time to eat your food in a calm and healthy way, so you will avoid eating fast food.
3 Do not rest
Worries can rob you of sleep and cause you not to sleep as long as your body needs to get a good night's rest. Getting too little sleep impairs concentration and mood, and anxiety and depression can develop. Also problems such as obesity, cardiovascular, or heart attacks.
It is advisable to change those bad habits when sleeping, such as having the cell phone on, the television, or anything else that distracts your rest, as well as not consuming heavy food at dinner.
4 Not doing physical activity
Leading a sedentary life is not good for your health, you will know that the body needs movement, which means doing any type of exercise to let hormones such as oxytocin help you maintain a good mood. It is not necessary to exhaust yourself 3 hours a day in a gym, just walking for 30 minutes a day will be enough to make you feel wonderful.
It will be time to enjoy nature, ride a bike, walk in the park, climb a mountain or just enjoy a good landscape; Remember to set a schedule so that you can change the bad habit.
5 Staying in a state of stress
Believe it or not, being stressed, worried, and overwhelmed by the things that happen to us in our lives, will make the body react badly. Sometimes, so much stress causes hypertension problems and can induce you to choose any type of vice such as smoking, drinking too much, or eating foods rich in fat, sugar, and salt.
Avoid at all costs the stress that causes constant sadness, as well as feeling helpless, anger, anger, frustration, or loneliness; take a breath and learn new relaxation and meditation techniques that will help you improve your physical and mental health.
6 Do things that don't make you happy
There is nothing sadder and more discouraging than doing things that you are not really passionate about or interested in, you only comply because they are an obligation. However, believe it or not, you can change that thought and dedicate yourself to finding the positive of what you do that you do not like. Maybe you have to learn something new or are developing new skills or abilities that you were completely unfamiliar with. The idea is to find something good out of negative things; start changing your thoughts and transforming them for your good.
Remember to keep in mind that changes are achieved with perseverance, constantly repeating actions; avoid despair, because at the end of the day you are making an effort to improve your health. Unfortunately, no one is going to do it for you, so make the decision, make an action plan, and put it into action. You are stronger than you thought, trust yourself!